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Ocean Diversity is an awareness, dissemination and action project focused on the ocean, its biodiversity, the climate and marine animals that fights for a planet with healthy and clean oceans where the living beings that inhabit it live free from the dangers they face. they face from plastic and noise pollution, climate change, rising ocean temperatures, rising sea levels, acidification and overfishing.


Creating a wave of awareness and direct lines of action to protect this wonderful ecosystem and its incredible species that make life possible on Earth, our precious blue planet.

Ocean Diversity helps sea turtles, coral reefs, seals, dolphins. manta rays, seabirds and whales; with awareness campaigns, initiatives dedicated to promoting and carrying out a more sustainable life, environmental education based on the ocean, cleanups and ideas proposed in the largest consultation on oceans of Europe.


The Natural World Needs Us All & We Need It Too

Sobre Irene Sánchez

Soy Activista Medioambiental y  por los Derechos de los Animales. He sido reconocida como Joven Inspiradora por el Instituto Jane Goodall y he sido selecionada Ocean Leader de SOA. Soy Nature Ambassador de Wild Foundation, me he convertido en Tree Ambassador de One Tree Planted y creé en 2021 ACT AS YOU FEEL. He sido elegida Young Ocean Advocate por GenSea y EarthEcho, y soy miembro de la UN Decade of Ocean Science and Development. Tengo una campaña en #FreeWildGreatApes por la libertad de los grandes simios en cautiverio en nuestro país. 



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